Sunday, March 11, 2012

#iformative! pass the knowledge

One of the most important things for students to pass along is not only the oppinion of the teacher but class knowledge as well. With students have the opportunity to pass along class notes and whatever passages they can to make class more informative for the new student. Everyone has advice on how to learn better and to become more sufficient but that knowledge kicks in for some at the end of the semester. There are websites with information rating teachers, however that is one persons view point which could clutter and possibly ruin the experience for another student. The approach of passing information and knowledge of how to study and what the instructor is looking for is a more positive approach because it doesn't focus much on the negative side. Every instructor has a different style of teaching and test taking, which could be crucial to someone that wants to learn or someone that just wants to pass the class. This approach will also help the graduating students refresh their memory on the past subject because until you can teach it than you haven't learned it.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Make sure to look before you buy any textbooks.

Whats the real value

There is a technique to selling anything, there are places where they charge you for convenience but most college students cannot afford convenience. Here are a few hints on how to price your used book;

-First, find out how much your book is worth, this could be done without leaving your house online to see what the average price of your book sells for.

-Second, find out what the book store will give you for your book (just to see what they charge for a restocking fee).

-Third, post your book on and price it slightly lower than what it sells for ensuring a quick sale and reap the benefits of your individuality.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

more than just books

This website is on the verge of not only providing textbooks from other students but also information about classes. One can rate the teacher and pass along notes and advice about the class. We are all in this together and with the age of social media it should be easier to understand topics and ever changing information in one site.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

One man/woman used book is another man/woman new book

I just got an amazing deal on a biology book that was obsolete at a nearby university but the college I attend just started using it. Moral of the story is just because your school doesn't use a book, don't assume other universities are doing the same.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

new Video

I had Channel 4 producer help me out with this video.
It shows how easy it is to do a search for a book.
The time to join is now.